ZEH Website 3.0
Matt Fordham
We've spent a great deal of time over the past few months thinking about how the Zero Energy House website could be better. What began as a fairly simple online design journal sketched out at my dining table with Shay three and a half years ago has become something much bigger. The addition of the video and article series focused on construction last year added a whole new layer of detail, and this year the data feeds and interactive charts demonstrating the ZEH's performance are evolving it further again.
As the volume and depth of information on the house has grown we've been focused on trying to keep the messages as clear as possible. The big push with this new site has been to take a fresh look at both the old content and new and wrangle it into as simple a structure as possible.
To those of you on the eMail list who responded to our call for input into planning this, thank you. I hope you find it's gone some way towards what you suggested. We still have a long list of further content we're working on that will take some time to get through, so watch this space...
To everyone, please do keep the feedback coming. We have a long-term, open-source vision for this site - a resource that grows and evolves with community input, and your feedback is a huge part of that.
I'll leave you with a glimpse of the past and present of the website. Three iterations in three years. No doubt Shay will be turning up at my dining table sometime next year with ideas for a fourth...I look forward to it...
April 2010 Design phase
April 2012 Construction phase
October 2013 Performance phase